The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


August 29th, 2005

I just dream of the end of the world

Waste | at 03:58 PM

Shock. Surprise. Someone posted a comment to my "Wikipedia, I love you" entry, it was not related to the topic (no, it was not from a woman called Wikipedia... or at least I hope so !), but it's the first time someone I don't know actually bothers to write in my tabulas blog ! Thank you Jackie247n.

So, what am I going to write about today ? it's a difficult question because for once I decided to write my daily entry in the mid afternoon rather than after midnight and I feel much less inspired. Actually, nothing happened yet. I don't want to talk about Wikipedia again and I'm sick of sessions so perhaps I should talk about my dreams ? My night dreams, huh, not the things I'd like to do.

Lately, I dream a lot, or at least I remember my dreams a lot, I don't know why. One thing all these dreams have in common is to be bad dreams. Actually, I think the last time I had a good dream was years ago... now that I think of it, I wonder if I've ever had a "good dream" because I can't think what it could be like.

Those bad dreams are not nightmares, they are just uncomfortable, stupid dreams that you'd like to awake from. It's often about some unpleasant or stressful situation that is repeating itself or that you can't get away from, I don't think I need an interpreter to guess this means I am stressed and disturbed by some things happening in my life. Which must be definitely true.

Even more embarrassing now that I think of it, is that I totally forgot what was happening in the bad dream I had this morning which makes me wonder why I started to talk about it in the first place. Now that's really an embarrassing entry because it's obviously going nowhere. Another curious thing is that these bad dreams if I try to describe them to someone (when I remember them - am I getting amnesic or what ?) actually sound like nightmares because terrible things happen in them.

*Snap !* Oh yeah, I remember now. I was about to give an example of a past dream, in which it was the end of the world, a "natural" one I think. That reminded me about today's dream, which too had some dramatic background. In a way, you could also say it was announcing the end of the world because in this dream, the world was split in two blocks like during the Cold War, one one side was Asia, led by China I think, and the rest of the world was the other camp. Japan was actually against its own camp. I don't exactly remember what all this meant for me in the dream, if I even had a part in it, I just remember this context.

And that'll be all for today ! Because I don't really see what I could add... I just dream of the end of the world.

Today's retro game: Wild Guns (I love one of the in-game musics in that one)

Today's recent game: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


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