The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


August 31st, 2005


Websites & Projects, Waste | at 10:17 PM

For once I know what I will put in the mood column: currently feeling EXHAUSTED ! today was a long, tiring day of work, and tomorrow I must get up around 8... hmm, ok, 8:30 maybe. And I'm not done with this day yet, before going to bed I have to feed this screaming monster that live in my belly (I haven't been impregnated by an alien, folks, I'm talking about my stomach) and I feel, from deep inside me again, an overwhelming desire to... write some code !

I must be a little sado-masochist, I like when sessions punish naughty me very, very hard. Oh, yes, waste my time ! More ! Oh yeah, yeah, one hour, two hours, oh yeaaaaaah ! (I told you I was tired) Anyway, as you can see, I don't have much to say. Yesterday night, I did some very satisfying programming. I used my 2 hours before going to bed (at 3am *slaps forehead !*) in an efficient way for once, I was damn tired, but I managed to spend one hour trying out some of PHP FTP functions. I was amazed at how simple and fast downloading and uploading was, much faster than through my current client; you could even rename files in the process in a very transparents way.

The other hour was spent to create a quick way to browse my hard drive in a Open file menu kind of interface, so that I could circle through the folders of my sites. It worked wonderfully well, some html, some php, and a little bit of javascript did the trick. Today I'd like to improve it because it's actually a prominent part of a future project. I also thought of things I want to write about in this blog. I'll write them down here, as a reminder: to post the list of the films I saw since the year started, just for the fun of it, and to try something stupid about hot topics and SEO.

Oh, and again I had one of those strange dreams where bad things happen. This time I dreamt 500 Finns died when coming back from holidays (I think it was supposed to be summer holidays but people died mostly in car accident because of frost on the road -- and people were also wearing bonnet... do I actually remember this or am I making it up ??) and the government decided to call for international help, which they received. Now this dream was actually pretty wacky. Good night, blah.

Today's retro game: Wizards and Warriors
Today's recent game: The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess


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