The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


September 2nd, 2005

Paris Hilton's porn sex blog and Dragonball's gas price poker

Waste | at 10:59 PM

It seems I scared random commentators away, :) or :( . I'll post a random entry then. But about what ? I'm not good at random things. Ok, let's cast a die. If it's 1: I'll talk about gaming; if it's 2: the topic will be movies; if it's 3: Internet, you shall discuss; if it's 4: about my day; if it's 5: we'll ponder about my dreams; if it's 6: I'll exhibit my sex life.

Roll the die........ !

Oh, it is a three, what a surprise. Of course I had no intention of talking about my sex life, come on, but, speaking about sex and Internet, there was this experiment I wanted to try. No, not cyber-sex. I wanted to see if it would make a significant difference to my stats to use popular words, words which currently top search engines.

Of course sex must be one of them, it's always one of them, we, humans, men especially, are so shallow. Searches related to learning or knowledge must be at the bottom of the searches, and filth and stupidity is at the top. Or at least I think so, let's see what search engines think about it.

Oh no, I was all wrong ! According to Yahoo! Buzz Index the number 1 this week has indeed a woman's name, but not the type you want to have sex with. She's more like a "femme fatale" since she's the Hurricane Katrina. So news are more powerful than sex after all. Second is Eva Longoria, who the hell is that ? Never heard of, but at least it's a woman and she probably doesn't look too bad or she wouldn't be at the top, would she ? She seems to be an actress, but strangely, when looking for her in the image search, I only get pictures of her wearing bikini. Perhaps she only played in underwater movies.

Below this certainly very talented actress, it's not a man we find as one might have expected but gas prices. Should have made a joke about Eva Longoria and the gas pump hose ? I think not. So again news are mightier than the fair sex and its exotic poses, even at number 4, since the Red Cross occupies this spot. The best in human nature has prevailed. Fortunately, one of the great masters of filth is here at spot number 5, it's MTV of course, the channel which makes you proud to be an idiot.

MTV is also 9th with a bunch of celebrities (mostly females, oho) and again some news-related search. "People care, only when it's in the news" this I quote from Robert, thank you Robert. But was I wrong, was I finally just blinded by prejudices ? Is a world a better place you can expect, with people not looking for sex and porn ? Come on, let's not be stupid, we all know Yahoo probably remove these words from their buzz index. And so does Google. And Lycos. But who care about Lycos, hmm ?

I still believe in my theory, and what's best to prove a theory than experimenting by yourself ? I'd say these words must be popular: "sex porn Paris Hilton blog Dragonball poker gas price" (I'm not going to use the hurricane, it would indecent), so now let's try to make a sentence with them and let it become the title for this entry. So, let's see, hmm, it could become something like...

Today's retro game: Dragon Ball

Today's recent game: Pokemon Colosseum


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