The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


September 29th, 2005

Pains & dilemma

Websites & Projects | at 12:35 AM

I really have a trouble lately with organizing my schedule. Ok, it might have been like this for a year, or a couple of years, or maybe forever. I don't know anymore but things don't go smoothly, again it's late (quarter past one) and this time I haven't even eaten yet ! Food is just cooking, what a shame.

On top of that, today again I have pain in the back, usually it's in the lower part, this time it is in the upper part, on the right side. That adds to my tiredness. My other problem right now, is: which one of my sites and projects am I going to work on before going to bed ? That might sound silly, but I have a problem with that too. I have many different projects and one reason for that is to always have interest and energy to put in them, if i get bored of one of them, I can move to another one. Now though, I have so much choice, that I might spend more time making up my mind which one to choose, which one fits the best my mood and inspiration tonight (damn, I talk like an artist ! -- and now like a producer), than actually working on any site.

I have also a pain the arm. I have pains everywhere ! Well, it's so late anyway that I probably won't have time to work on anything, especially if I keep blabblering here.

Today's retro game: The Incredible Hulk (because today was certainly a Megadrive-me-crazy day... haha_a !)

Today's recent game: F-Zero GX (because the day past faster than one of those F-Zero bullet-cars)


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