The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


September 30th, 2005

Am I killing my computer or is it killing me ?

Waste | at 12:02 AM

Hamlet's "To Be or Not To Be ?" in comparison to my question is pointless. My computer-which-is-not-actually-mine has become a real pain. Today, for the first time, I got the "your hard drive is full" message. With 3 giga, it was bound to happen sooner or later, but rather sooner.

This is frustrating because I don't know what exactly I should erase, I really tried to keep it as compact as possible and save only things I need. I guess I will find some stuff to delete eventually; the mere thought to spend time sorting all this irritates me very much.

However, this is not where the deadly duel between me and my computer is taking place. Nope. This highly dramatical showdown occurs when multi-tasking. Basically, I can't have two key programs running at the same time. If I browse the web and use a graphic program, every single action requires tens of seconds of hard-drive access. Waiting I'm sure must be one of the torments they inflict you in the depth of Hell. Waiting is so annoying, just changing window takes a 10~20 seconds load time. Even sites with Flash because of this are a pain to browse.

Today I was uploading a few pictures (6) on Flickr, not too big ones. It took me 2 hours to do that ! 2 HOURS to resize pictures and upload them because everything was so FUCK*NG slow. I had to give up trying to use Flickr's organizr because the Flash interface made it impossible to work on my computer: infinite loading time. I seriously need to get a new computer or I'm good for the madhouse, this thing really drives me insane, I can't believe I bear it for 4 years... of course it has been worsening with time and new programs being installed, but still, it's always been slow anyway.

Ah, I wish one day I could buy my own PC. I never had a PC of my own, I wonder if it will ever happen. At this pace, my next site(s) are going to be ready when I could actually afford to buy a new computer with my current salary, so probably in another 4 years. Yeepee.

Today's retro game: Spider-Man (the latest review on 1UP !)

Today's recent game: Harvest Moon Poem of Happiness (they plan to release a "for world" version... they are crazy. I forgot to upload an image for that game, which means I have to go through more sloooowness agaaaaaain, noooooooooooo... *dramatic slow-motion effect*)


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