The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


February 28th, 2006

The Amazing Power of Stupidity

Websites & Projects, Waste | at 01:27 AM

Oooo-kay, it's 1:10 am. Can I finally manage to hit the sack before 3 ? Today was a rather busy day which ends like any other rather busy day, with the feeling that I haven't accomplished anything important. I'm not talking about saving the world or making $100 per hour, but just of this little tickling sensation of satisfaction that should show up when you've been using your time wisely.

I haven't fooled around too much today, yet I don't feel tickled at all. My head is actually bending towards the computer screen because my eyes are so tired, I don't manage to keep them open wide enough to see what I'm typing. If a mole could type, I'd be a mole.

I slept less than 6 hours yesterday night, that might explain the tiredness. Today I had time to start writing an article for 1UP, make new link buttons for and this blog, update Samurai Nintendo (damn, just realized I forgot to update the charts, three weeks in row !) and even to do some programing for and make a short graphic test for my next project.

Not too bad, but all this amounts to so little. How can a 15 hours day contain so little room for action ? Of course I wasted a lot of time with the damn computer and its slowdowns. I thought perhaps I should make a site like the millionhomepage, something like or That sounds stupid but the idea is serious. After all, as the millionhomepage has proven (also Jackass and Crazy Frog), stupid ideas in a stupid world are bound to succeed !

If I want to become rich, I have to think of something REALLY stupid and do it. Well, I already have one hell of a stupid blog, it's one step in the right direction ! I go to work (play actually, but playing is work) now for one of my websites and then go to bed, probably dreaming of how stupidity might make me rich someday. Having abundance of it, the odds are high my dreams come true.


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