The blog of KAO written in heart-wrenching broken English

About KAO

Poor excuse of a blogger, currently trying to get back to business plans after spending most of his time and energy in the past years on nonprofit assignments.


September 29th, 2005


Websites & Projects, Web Surfing | at 04:13 PM

It's fun to stay at the YMCA, YMCAAAA ! Oops, wrong one.
Yesterday I created an account at YMDB (Your Movie DataBase), a curious belgian site to create and share your favorite list of films. What I find amusing about it is that it almost feel like a "disposable website", you use it one time and then it's over. I exaggerate of course but not so much.

I had already written down my list of favorite movies (I actually have a list of my 60 favorite movies, must be 5 or 6 years old... you can guess that just by looking at the paper) so it took me just a few minutes to enter them all. Your list cannot be longer than 20 films so it's quickly done. After that I checked other people's lists, received 2 comments and that was all. Somehow I felt it was finished and I won't really come here anymore.

It's a pity because the site is well made, but there's not enough to do. The problem with such a site is, that if you want to offer enough interesting functions and deal at the same time with what can become a huge amoung of data, you need a database and a server that can match the demand. If they can't record enough users preferences or enough film data for instance, your site won't be satisfying. On the other hand, if you overload your server and database because there are too many things to record on your site, it won't work either. Your site will be slow or will be crashing all the time.

When you're a beginner, you can't afford to start with a server and a huge database so I guess it kills some of your ambitions, even though it's sometimes better to start little to grow bigger. And yet, is it still possible ? Nowadays, there are so many sites out there, so many performant sites which propose, often for free, such a vast array of interesting functions and services, that it feels nearly impossible for a beginner to compete with any of them. It feels a waste of time to try to offer a somewhat interesting service because someone is already doing it, so much better and entirely free, which was definitely not what you planned.

Nevertheless, with my next project, I will try to do something like this and bypass the constraints related to server overload and limited bandwidth that a beginner like me will quickly have to deal with. Not sure how it's going to work but this will be interesting anyway. Oh, and worst of all, this site won't be free. I do need money so I will charge 6 or 7 euros (7,9 dollars). Am I insane ? No, I just hope my idea is good enough and that I will deliver it well enough.

Today's retro game: Tiny Toon Adventures (I feel like a toon about to begin a journey much bigger and tougher than himself)

Today's recent game: Ikaruga (Talking about "tough"...)


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